Lu Yunqing, a female of Han ethnicity, was born on May 7, 2013, and is currently attending Mingde Elementary School in Baiyun District. In 2023, she began studying calligraphy under the guidance of the renowned calligrapher, Teacher Li Cilin.
Lu Yunqing’s remarkable talents have been recognized and awarded in various art competitions, including:
- In 2018, she received a bronze award in the piano category at the “Stardom Across Five Continents” China Campus Talent Art Festival Guangdong Provincial Evaluation.
- In 2019, she earned a bronze award in the piano category at the “WCOPA” World Championship of Performing Arts China Regional Children’s Designated Event in Guangzhou.
- In 2020, she achieved a gold award in the piano category at the 15th China-Korea International Youth Art Festival Guangdong Provincial Evaluation.
- In 2021, she won a silver award in the piano category at the preliminary round of the “American NMCC” International Music Invitational Competition Guangzhou Regional.
- Also in 2021, she received an Outstanding Performance Award in the piano category at the preliminary round of the 10th Steinway National Youth Piano Competition and the 85th Steinway International Youth Piano Competition China Regional Competition in Guangzhou.